Thursday, September 1, 2011

Finally...We Have Piggies!

Hello farm friends, remember these two? Well, I can’t believe this day has finally come. The day I get to announce the birth of our very first litter of kunekune piglets. We’ve been hoping and praying but still we’ve not been100 percent sure for many weeks. The vet came about a month ago and gave the green light. He informed us he was 90 percent sure Pansy was pregnant. Ninety percent is very strong but that 10 percent kept nagging at me. I was the doubter, farmer was certain, unquestioning and steadfast: "She’s pregnant,” he said.

The last three days I knew farmer was right. We googled articles, pictures and videos and all the signs were there. We prepared the delivery area and a separate area for the piglets to lay under a heated lamp just like the articles said. We placed fresh straw in the stall, put our heat lamps in place and began our waiting game. Thanks to our barn video camera we were able to monitor our baby Pansy, at any time.

According to the articles and videos we knew to be on the lookout for milk from her teats, which is supposed to appear within 24 hours prior to the birth, yet we saw no milk. This told me we had more time, farmer said no, it’s gonna happen anytime now.

Yesterday morning he went to check on Pansy. As he neared the barn door he heard a squeal and the second he opened the door he saw a new little piglet in the straw. It had begun, the first piglet had arrived. He ran back to the house and quickly roused myself and farmer’s daughter. We were out the door in lightning speed with still cameras, video cameras, scissors, towels and paper towels--we were ready. We arrived just in time for piggy number two and didn’t leave her side until all six were born and feeding calmly next to her. All in all it took her about one-and-one-half hours to give birth to her babies.

She had six gilts and two boars, all double wattled and great conformation. We will be posting pictures soon of each piglet with more detail. They will spend the next six weeks with mama and then they will be ready to go to their forever homes. If you are interested, let us know by e-mailing: or calling my line at 304-634-6435.

It was an amazing experience and we were all overwhelmed with excitement, joy and most of all love. A barn full of love. Love in those new little hearts beating, love in Pansy’s eyes as she looked at her new babies, and love between all of us for being a part of it.

 Happy September!


TexWisGirl said...

so sweet! congrats, amy! hurray for healthy birth and baby pigs! good going, pansy!

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Mini Me!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your brand new litter of little piggies!!! So good to see you again...LOVED the video and wanted to reach out and touch those little sweeties. Enjoy your new additions and I'll be watching for more pictures soon. Have a wonderful Labor day!
Maura :)

farmlady said...

How wonderful! Congratulations to everyone.
They are adorable..

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

LOVE those cute little babies! Pansy and Porter must be sooo proud. Can't wait to see more of the new additions, even if they're just there for a short time.


mountain mama said...


Flat Creek Farm said...

ok, I'll be there in 6 weeks to pick mine up! kidding, but i wish I could. They just melt my heart - so very adorable. Congrats!! -Tammy

Pondside said...

Wow! Congratulations to everyone, man, woman and critter on the farm. New life is such a reason for celebration!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! They are adorable :) I can't wait to see more pictures of them in the coming weeks!

Teri said...

Congrats Amy! So cute ...
Have a wonderful weekend.

Teri said...

Congrats Amy!
They are just too cute ...
Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

Is there anything better than new babies in the barn? Congratulations Pansy and family!

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

That's wonderful news! It's sure nice to get farm updates again! I've missed your great posts! Congrats!

Jen said...

OOoo I love it! They are so sweet & cute. Congratulations

LindaG said...

What a colorful bunch of piglets. Congratulations. :)

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

they are gorgeous amy, i can't wait to see them!!! :)

Joani said...

So cute. Congrats. Have a great weekend.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh gosh are they ever cute!

Jill said...

My, my, my those are cute little piggies. Love the way their tails swish when you touch them. Congratulations!

kimberly wheat said...

Yea! Little piglets!!! Congratulations!

Farm Girl said...

Congrats!!! Such lovely little pigs.

Patrice said...

Congratulations! They're adorable. We have three/maybe four pregnant sows. My daughter owns the 4th one, in question. Hubby swears the sow isn't prego, daughter swears she is. Rosie May- the sow- isn't telling anyone. The farmer that sold her said she'd been with the boar, but that isn't encouraging because if he was a bore she might not be. Oh, well. I can hardly figure out my own life. The sows will just have to go it on their own. Again- congrats!

ginny said...

so sweet!

Dreaming said...

OMG They are too cute! I know nothing about pigs... but looked up kunekune pigs. How incredibly cute!
Congrats to Pansy and to you guys!

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Congratulations Amy. How thrilling to be apart of the birthing experience of your beloved farm animals. They are adorable and when I finish commenting I'm going in for a double click to get a better view.

Dog Trot Farm said...

Congratulations Verde Farm! I have missed your presence here in blogland. Hope you all are well and enjoying what is left of summer. Blessings from Maine, Julie.

Angela said...

Congratulations! They are so sweet looking! Can't wait to see more pictures of them as they get bigger!


Tiggeriffic said...

Oh my those little piggies are so cute..~! I love the spots on them.
Will be looking forward to seeing pics as they grow bigger.
ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Nancy said...

Adorable, Amy. So glad to see you back blogging. Congratulations on the birth of your grandpiglets. :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love baby pigs. Congrats. B

Mary Ann said...

Amy, your babies are very pretty! Good job on taking such good care of them and mama!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Congrats on the new additions!! I hope all continues to go well for them, and I hope you've had a good weekend!!

goatgirl said...

And now I'm in love. Enjoy.

Carla said...

Hooray! Congratulations!! Have great fun and remember to go back to the house to eat and sleep. I know I'd never leave the barn.

Dianne said...

They are soooo CUTE! I want piglets too!