Hi farm friends. I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. This is one of my busiest times of year with my job, and I have a lot of visiting and catching up to do over the next few days. I look forward to seeing what you’ve all been up to. We have a big thank you to share and answers to your peafowl and muscovy questions. So, here we go...
I met a great blog friend the last couple of months at Idlyhours blog. Julie Marie lives in the countryside and loves her french roots, cottage gardens and her wonderful home. But even more than that--she loves her Tessy. Tessy is a beautiful, stray English Pointer that was blessed enough to find Julie Marie who is now her forever mommy.
Tess has been so happy with her new home that she celebrated last month with her very own giveaway. My chihuahua, Gracie Allen, heard about it and asked me if she could enter this great contest for the furry, four legged friends in blog land. Wouldn’t you know that Gracie won one of Tess’s wonderful prizes and has been anxious to blog about it since the package arrived. The package included a beautiful red doggie blanket with little black paws, and a bag of her favorite treats, too. It was wrapped so beautifully, and came with a special doggie card we loved.
Gracie took right to her new favorite blankie and even lets her beloved, George Burns, one of our papillons, enjoy it too. Tessy, Gracie thanks you so very much and George does too.
Now, onto peafowl/muscovy Q&A. We had a great response to our muscovy and peafowl posts with a lot of good questions. Please note, we are not experts in muscovy or peafowl but will share our experiences with you.
Dog’s mom asked
Q: How do I keep the ducks from going to the river or leaving home?
A: Well, that is a good question. You can clip one of their wings so they can’t fly, but they will still wander toward any water source. We have a pond across the street and our muscovy sometimes go over there. However, we decided their really isn’t anything we can do except hope for the best. The good news is that some, not all, do venture out farther than we would like, but they come home every evening on their own. They know where their bread is buttered.
Matty asked
Q: Where in the world did you find your peacock?
A: I found him at an Ohio chicken swap. It’s a unique event which happens three-times a year in Lucasville. I’m sure other areas of the country host chickens swaps, but this event had much more than chickens including a wonderful peafowl breeder who has several beautiful varieties. He is from Indiana and knowledgable and caring about his birds. He raises quality peafowl. I went to the swap last April knowing I would come home with a pair of peafowl.
Dreaming asked
Q: How long do they live? Do they lay clutches of eggs and will you keep them if they do?
A: Muscovy can live to be 15 years or older. Some have lived well over 20 years. They do lay clutches of eggs and we have had two clutches in the past with one on the way. We have kept them all and will be selling the pending hatch.
Mary Ann asked
Q: Can you keep peafowl with chickens? Some people don’t think you can.
A: Mary Ann, I asked the breeder this question when I bought my pair and he said you could as long as your peafowl have their own area to roost. I wouldn’t put peafowl in a tight space or coop with chickens because they will dominate them and it’s not good for their health, but they can definitely free range together, eat near each other and live on a farm together. At least they do here at Verde Farm.
Bee Lady asked
Q: Do you clip your birds wings? Do you have to?
A: We clipped the peafowl wings when we first got them to ensure they didn’t fly up in the trees or fly off when we first got them home. We haven’t clipped them since because they’ve learned where to roost and have never strayed off the property at all.
Phyllis asked
Q: How is their temperament?
A: We find our peafowl to be domineering but not over the top. They definitely use their size and tails to show other animals they are in charge. They know what they want and they will likely get it but we’ve never had any fighting or ugliness. The other animals just acquiesce to them.
Farmer’s Wyfe asked
Q: Do you have trouble with owls? Do you collect the feathers and put in vases?
A: We have been fortunate and haven’t had any problems with owls, yet. I do collect all the pretty feathers I find and used many in my Christmas decorations this past year. They are wonderful!
Thank you all for your questions and interest in our little farm and blog.
Now, let the farm fun begin with our 6th edition of Farm Friend Friday. Just click below to enter your post. Please, be sure to link back to Verde Farm so others can find Farm Friend Friday and all the great posts shared.
Now, let the farm fun begin with our 6th edition of Farm Friend Friday. Just click below to enter your post. Please, be sure to link back to Verde Farm so others can find Farm Friend Friday and all the great posts shared.

Gracie and George are adorable!I can see they appreciate that nice prize!
I was wondering how the peafowl and the chickens got along, that's cleared up!
Have a nice evening, Amy!
Oh, I can't believe I am finally getting to participate in Farm Friend Friday. Thanks for hosting.
I just love your Farm Friend Friday"s!!! I'm telling all my bloggy friends! On my last post i even put up your link, now if i just get this button thing under control...
Thank you so much for hosting!!!
The dogs are adorable and you can tell they love their new blankie:@)
What a nice puppy blanket! I love the dogs, they are so cute.
Thanks for this information! Good to know as we are thinking of having guineas and chickens when we retire. :)
Hi Amy, thank you so much for posting your sweet babies with the little blankie I made... Tessy was so happy to meet all the doggies in blogland!... your post today is so informative!... how I would love to visit your farm and meet all your little critters!... xoxo Julie Marie
Congrats on the prize! I really do appreciate your great job hosting this Farm Friend Friday. It is a lot of fun.
Love your dogs! We had a Papillon that we lost last summer and he was the smartest, neatest dog ever. Also very protective. Lucky dogs to get to win!!
Oh Amy, Im right there with you - this is our heavy paperwork season and it just got started...but it feeds our critters doesnt it!
Thanks again for taking the time out to host Farm Friend Friday - I have been blog hopping at 2 in the morning this past week and its sooo fun :D! really! In fact is it possible to close the blogs at a certain time or is this really 24 hour reading? "put down the laptop GW Feral woman and GO TO BED..." lol
Thank you again Amy!
I want to cuddle those precious dogs!
Such a cute doggie blanket! What a great prize.
They are so adorable and I love their names!
I enjoy your blog so much! I love reading about your farm critters and seeing you dogs!!!
Have great weekend!
Awww the puppies look so adorable with there new blankie..
Thank you for hosting once again this week...I have really enjoyed seeing so many other farm posts and learning something new each week..
Can't wait till we have all our fences in place and can become a real animal farm (not the communist kind, but with lots of animals kind)
Blessings Kelsie
I'm behind on my visiting...nice post...
Hi, it's my first time here and love it! Gracie and George are adorable!! Great blog:)
I LOVE your blog!! I always look forward to coming over here and reading!! Thanks for all the great answers. I want so badly to get some Muscovy ducks for Easter. How my kids would LOVE having ducks that stay on our pond! (wild ones fly in but then leave). Your dogs are so sweet! You have such fun critters on your farm!
Love your doggies :) My husband isn't a big fan of small dogs, but I would love to have a Papillon some day - they are wonderful! Thank you for posting FFF and answering the peafowl and muscovy questions!
Thanks for hosting this each week Amy!
Your pups sure are lucky little dogs to win such a wonderful giveaway.
Enjoy your well deserved weekend,
Gracie & George are very cute and look so comfortable on their new blanket. I bet if Porter had longer legs, he'd be right up there in the middle of it all!
Your pups are really really cute! And that red blanket makes the perfect backdrop for them. :)
What a super prize...Our Sadie would love that blanket.
Great questions and answers :)
Thanks, once again, for hosting FFF. We are really interested in the Muscovy Ducks, but we need to do a little more research. Are you selling the upcoming clutch? When would they be ready?
What great pics n answers. I enjoyed your post. I finally joined your fun party. Need to decide on a new camera and get some better pics tho. sorry. Can't wait to explore new farm friends links. Hope you have a great weekend!
Happy Friday. I'm a new follower.
I think I was supposed to say I was entering. I am sorry Amy, I forgot.
Thanks for offering it again. I do enjoy reading all of the blogs.
So glad to join up for FFF! We just lost our Pointer to lymphoma after 9 year and we sure do miss him. He was the sweetest farm dog/house dog ever. I wish your friend the best of luck with her new found friend!
Great q&a. Can I throw one more? Do they get on your cars? Everyone around here says they climb on the vehicles and sit on the hoods.
really enjoying FFF! thanks for hosting it.
love all your pics~
Oh those pups are SO cute! Thanks for hosting the FFF blog hop! It is a real hoot!
George & Gracie are lovin' that cozy blanket,aren't they?...:)JP
Gracie and George are just way too cute! That blanket looks nice and cozy!
Thank you for stopping by my blog a week or so back and inviting me to participate in Farm Friend Friday. I was finally able to get a post done for this week.
I'm enjoying my visits here....=)
Happy Friday!
Thanks for the warm welcome, Amy and so glad you like my goat babies....we've to our first kidding from Lavender due April 20th or so and we're so EXCITED to get rolling with babies!
I've been "hearing" about Farm Friend Friday! Looks as though I have been missing out on the fun:))
Joined up now....thank you:)
I just need to thank you again for hosting FFF, I have met so many wonderful people and read so many beautiful blogs!
Thanks for the inspiration. I'm seeking help in NAMING our place so if anyone wants to stop by and give their .02 I'd appreciate it!
Love your countdown to spring and perfectly willing to bribe you, if necessary, to turn that clock ahead! ;)
What wonderful information! And the pictures are just adorable too : )
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