Thursday, January 27, 2011

Winner chosen, insurrection put down

Well, it’s been quite a long evening here at the farm. The chickens had a tough, tough time deciding which way to go. There were so many great ideas, more than they ever dreamed, and all were cock-a-doodle-riffic. Frank and the gang kept going back and forth, huddling, discussing, grumbling and deciding until a consensus was reached. You see, there are some rock’n’rollers in the coop and the duck branch, although told they technically had no input, were heard talking, plotting and conniving to Frank, Sunny D and anybody else who would listen--a script which could have been lifted from a bad Survivor episode. Even though the ducks had no dog in the hunt, so to speak, they lobbied the chickens to name the coop in honor of their leader, Elvis the muscovy, explaining it was only fair since the chickens were getting new digs and they were getting nothing. It also helped that the farmer was an Elvis fan and had even named his daughter, Presley, after the king of rock’n’roll.  Finally, the ducks' protested they would be “heartbroken” if they were denied and would go elsewhere, even if that meant going to the “end of lonely street,” to live.  So, without further adieu, Nancy at A Rural Journal came up with Heartbeak Hotel, and that is the official name of our new coop! Congrats Nancy and thanks to everyone for all the fun, creative suggestions. Y’all are amazing.

After all that, we asked Frank himself to draw for the random giveaway. Sixty-eight entries went into the fancy bag...and drum roll please...

Ladies, please e-mail me your addresses and I’ll get Frank to the post office right away. Thank you all, we had lots of fun here at the farm.


Jen said...

Congratulations to the winner.

Carla said...

Congratulations! Love the new name.

connie said...

I second that A Big Congratulations to the winners..

Lori Skoog said...

Love the name!

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

I for sure thought they'd go for the "Irish" name... but I must admit, I LOVE that they went with an Elvis inspired name. I was a HUGE Elvis fan when I was young and I love that "the farmer" used Presley for a girls name! How I wish I'd thought of that, because in an ironic twist... my daughter was born on Elvis' birthday!

Hope they love the Heartbeak Hotel!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I AM surprised! What fun we had visiting the farm! Looks like the Heartbreak Hotel will be the place to 'hang out'! Thanks for the FUN! ♥

Tonia said...

Congrats to the winners!!

Deb said...

Congratulations....I like Heartbreak hotel....

TexWisGirl said...

It was Nancy's subliminal messages she sent to Frank! I know it was!

That's fantastic! I love Nancy. I love you. And I know the chickens will love their Heartbeak Hotel!

Congrats to both winners!

Nancy said...

Yay! That's awesome, Amy! Thanks so much!

Okay, enough exclamation points.)

Yippee!! :)

peggy said...

A perfect name!! and your scenario is so funny.

Country Gal said...

Congrats to the winner! It was fun to help think of names. Great choice I like it ! Have a wonderful day !

Sharon said...

Heartbreak Hotel, OH! That IS a great name!Love it! Congratulations!

Angela said...

Congratulations to the Winners! I'm sure the hens will love living at the Heartbreak Hotel!

Stay warm in this nasty weather!

Flat Creek Farm said...

Congrats to the winner! As I scrolled down to see the prizes.. wow! I'm putting those items all on my Christmas 2011 wishlist :) And, I adore the name of your new coop! -Tammy

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Congratulations to the winners....I LOVE the name and can't wait to see the sign on the coop!!! Will there be a big party and dance that day? ;) Loved the way your described how 'they' came to the decision...just perfect LOL! I hope you and 'the farmer' and your critters are having a wonderful day Mini Me....
Maura :)

Karen Thomason/Gordon Setter Crossing said...

Congrats to Rural Journal and to Welcome to Lavender Dreams, for having the winning name. I was looking forward to meeting Frank the Rooster, but I bet he'll find a lovely home with Welcome to Lavender Dreams. Maybe they'll share a pic when he finds a resting place from his long trip to their house!

brokenteepee said...

Very cute name...

Janice Grinyer said...

lol I love it - now does this mean youre going to buy little 45's and old guitars and decorate them into little coop boxes to hang on the wall for them??? :D

Congrats to Lavender Dreams - now I gotta go check out her website because theres kinship in using lavender!

Bee Lady said...

Congrats to the winners. I don't know how you chose, there were so many great entries.

I see you have Susan Wittiz Albert on the nightstand. I have met her in person a few times and have read all of her herbal mysteries. The China Bayles series. I love it.

Cindy Bee

matty said...

Congratulations! What a great name! Rock on!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Congratulations to the WINNER!!!! And hats off to you & Richie for hosting the event!...:)JP

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Congratulations to the winner and that name is perfect!!

Dog Trot Farm said...

Heartbreak Hotel, very clever. Congratulations to both winners, they are some very lucky gals!

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

Whoo hoo! Congrats. The new name is very cute - what a great idea.

Country Whispers said...

Congrats to both ladies!

Terry said...

An excellent choice!

Unknown said...

Love that name! Congrats to Nancy!

Michelle said...

Congrats to the winner!

Burlap Luxe said...

A big congrats to the beautiful winner.
Thank you dear for your inspiring visit and beautiful comment left. It is so up lifting to hear that your work of art is noticed.

Keep inspiring us farm girl!


Thanks for your visit. Your blog is so charming.
Bravo à toi !
Amitiés de France

Rebecca said...

That's fun-I like it! It will be cool to call it that!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

That was fun...Congratulations to the winner! Cool name!

Toni aka irishlas said...

Congratulations to the winners! I had a hoot reading all the entries for the name.

Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...


From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Congratulations to a Rural Journal. It is an adorable name.