We have had so much fun this week with the giveaway. The stories shared about your most memorable Christmas gift have been heart warming, funny, unique and touching. Some of my favorites involved red purses, go-go boots, ice skating rinks, love and extraordinary family memories. Thank you all for sharing your stories.
At midnight last night I wrote all the names for each entry and cut them up to put in the bowl. This morning my husband stuck his hand in and pulled out the winning entry.
Drum roll please...
Sharon at Life With Jack and Jill. If you haven’t read Sharon’s blog, it is filled with humor, dry wit, family and a love for her babies, Jack and Jill. She is a great read and you should check her out. Sharon, send me your address via e-mail and I will get you package in the mail on Monday. Congratulations and thank you all for participating. This was so much fun.
Merry Christmas,

Oh fantastic!!! Congrats to Sharon! She's a great blogger, friend, commentor, animal-lover, humorist, person! :)
Congrats to Sharon!!!!! I'll have to go check out her blog!
Congratulations Sharon!!
Hello Mini Me...I hope you and hubby are having fun preparing for the holidays now that your busy week is over? I hope you have snow by now...we don't yet and I'm getting jealous of my family up in Canada. Oh well I'm sure we'll get some one of these days...it would be especially nice if we got it Christmas Eve ;). You never know. Have a wonderful weekend...
Maura :)
Congrats to Sharon!! (and oops, I missed the giveaway.. haven't been a very good blogger or blog buddy lately!). your pic reminds me that none of my packages are wrapped. I love your wrapping. I am wrapping all in kraft paper and baker's twine & tissue paper flowers this year, or so i hope! love the simple look! have a wonderful weekend!-tammy
Congrats to Sharon, I'll be popping over there next!
Congrats to the winner!!!I just have to say one more time how adorable your animals are. Every time I come to your blog and look at the mini donkeys on you sidebar, I can't help but smile. Too cute for words.
I could have sworn I left a comment! I guess I was just so excited that I forgot to leave it. :-{ I am so tickled! You got so many wonderful responses and so many sweet stories about memorable Christmas gifts! This will be one that I will never forget!
Have a great day - I am!
Congratulations, Sharon, I'm so glad you won that beautiful package. I so wonder what might be inside.
Sharon is my blogger friend too -- I just love her everyday stories and how she copes with everything that goes on with a wry sense of humor and a very good spirit.--Inger
Hello there! What a beautiful blog you've got! And I love your pictures of snow. I come from Europe but live in Australia now and miss snow a lot!
Look forward to seeing more of your posts!
Please check out my blog too
Congrats to the winner! Hope you are having a great weekend and that the snow missed you!
Be sure to stop by, my 2nd Hand Collections Party has begun!
Hugs- Tete
Congratulations Sharon!
Merry Christmas!
Congrats to Sharon!!! She was so excited that she called to tell me about it--What a lovely give-a-way that would make anyone's day!!!
Congratulations to Sharon! Amy I love how you had the drawing at midnight! Really add to the festive occasion... ;)
congratulations to the winner...i just LOVE all the critters here..so darling..that picture of those donkeys...too cute :-)
i wish for snow...it is 80 degrees here today...and i am not loving it :-{
i hope this heat breaks soon....
sending love today,
kary and teddy
Ooo! You be a winner Sharon, congrats :)! Now you have to post on what you won, and I promise to visit your blog!
Mrs. Verde Farm, you actually wrote down all the names? You be a very dedicated Woman lol - thank you for having this drawing, because it was fun to read everyones memories!
I say three cheers for Verde Farm -
Hip hip Hooray!
hip hip Hoooray!
HIP HIP Hooray!
(next time we'll get the geese to chime in ;p !)
Oh, that is so nice! Congratulations, Sharon!
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